A downloadable game

I am a big fan of Cezar Capacle's Everspark ! It is mostly done and available in beta form right now ! (December 2024).

I read through the PDF many times and had a great, three hour solo session on Christmas Eve. But when rolling my d20, I sometimes paused to decide whether a 13 was closer to a 15 or a 10. More so, did a 13 feel as good as a 15 or as bad as a 10?

So I made this quick to reference, codified chart for playing Everspark. 

The provided  chart relates to the Skill and Fate checks made with the d20 and will hopefully help people be a bit more confident and quick with making their decisions. 

Happy gaming and happy wandering! 


Based on Cezar Capacle’s Everspark  


B&W_Everspark Codified d20.pdf 70 kB
Color_Everspark Codified d20.pdf 85 kB


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(2 edits)

Everspark is great! I am a big fan. Anyway, I think I like the idea of eyeballing the results.